September 4

The River Valley Civilizations Questions

1.What are the four River Valley Civilizations we have discussed so far ?
Egypt,China,Mesopotamia,and the Indus Civilizations.

2.What are the similarities between them?
First they all depended upon a river to help them survive.Second the farming and livestock growth led to agriculture which helped them domesticate animals and led to survival. Finally all of these River Valley Civilizations were polytheistic which means to believe in many gods.

3.What are some of the basic characteristics of the civilizations and how are they demonstrated by the four civilizations we discussed?
The basic civilizations characteristics were based upon their culture they practiced religion because all of the civilizations were polytheistic and had their own rituals and peace to make with their gods. Another thing that shows their culture is their art,pottery,inventions,etc… and shows that even though it was way back then it shows that they knew these were hard times so why not have a little fun with it so that’s why they purposely made art .