January 3

Electronic Meetings

       Electronic Meetings

On the day of Christmas I was at my grand parents. Mom promised me she would set up a Face book account for me but we could not yet because I did not have Gmail account . Then we finally got a Gmail account for me. when we got on the Face book sign in site me and my mom could not get me on there then my cousin Shawn walked in we called him over to to help me get into Face book . He got me in there lighting fast . I was amazed Dad walked over to see how I was doing . I told him didn’t have a picture. Mom saw me and Dad talking,so she joined in. Dad told her that he did need one. Mom told him that Tucker wasn’t stupid enough to be friend’s with someone he didn’t know.Mom helped me put up a picture of me.When we got home I sent friend requests to all of my friend’s. Then I thanked mom for helping me and I’ve been on face book ever since.

September 21

The Time I Slept in Heaven


My church camp and I went to this chapel called the chapel in the sky.We went towards this mountain I couldn’t see the top. My counselor said” keep as close as you can”when we were traveling up the mountain.We probably went up 1,000 feet.Somebody was behind,I waited for him to catch up the counselor said”keep up!”We were trying as hard as we could.We stomped almost all the way up. It was getting very dark.

  finally we reached the top we stayed up til 12:00 telling jokes,looking at the stars,and we even had a flashlight party it was fun.eventually we went to bed we had to sleep on benches I got the biggest one.I went to sleep (rarely). But after a couple of minuets I woke up . I looked at my watch it said 2:00 I tried going back to sleep but I couldn’t so I went walking around with my flashlight .I saw alot of animals like raccoons , and squirrels .I went back to my bench as soon I got back one of my friends Kaitlin was sleep walking. she took another friends hat named Logan ,Logan was also up he said “huh” .looked at my watch it said 4:00 . I went back to sleep I fell off my bench onto the dirty hard rocks ,it hurt . I got back on my bench and went to sleep the counselor woke me up ,I looked at my watch it said 5:00 .I said”Awwman !“ I didn’t get any sleep but luckily we got two extra hours to sleep when we reached the cabin I got in my bunk and said” Now this is sleeping in Heaven.”


September 21

Under chair Imagination

Under a chair
under a chair making a fort
done with the fort
in a fort reading a book
done with the book  having an idea
outside the fort making a river
done with the river
outside making a dragon out of my Ozzie
done with the dragon he purred as loud as he could
at home making Knights
done with the Knights
come back to fort
making Kings and Queens
done with the Kings and the Queens
putting them at the top of the fort making a bridge connecting to the river
Hard , going to work on something else
making skeleton bad guys
done with them
Still working on the bridge
Finally done with the bridge
posing my figures
shew , done
painting my awesome creation
done with that
having a battle
we win
Now we are truly DONE!


– Tucker

September 12

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